2025 3/10 Before 7:00 AM Elsa, a blind rescue dog, passed away due to acute pancreatitis (multiple organ failure) 🌈 Age of death: 14 years old (estimated as she was a rescue dog) Elsa was still active until recently and loved the Pug Cafe where she got treats and lots of loving hugs! Thank you for your patronage! ️ Just an announcement 😭🙏✨ 2025 3/10 AM7:00前 保護犬で全盲のエルサちゃん、急性膵炎(多臓器不全)の為、永眠🌈享年14才(保護犬の為、推定) エルサは、つい最近まで現役で、おやつとたくさんの愛情のこもったハグをしてもらえるパグカフェが大好きでした!ご愛顧ありがとうございました‼️
3/6 last cafe! 最後のカフェ!