【Birth News❗️】 10/29 PM8時〜5匹の元気な赤ちゃんをベルママが、自然分娩で生みました!みんな元気にすぐにお乳を飲んでいます!ママのベルも赤ちゃん達の世話をしています!母子ともに安定しています!ベル頑張りました!おめでとう🎉スタッフも手伝ってくれてありがとう❗️全頭無事出産♥ 10/29 8:00PM ~ Five healthy babies were born naturally! They are all healthy and are drinking milk right away! Mommy Belle is also taking care of the babies! Both mother and child are stable! Belle did a great job! Congratulations 🎉 Thanks to the staff for helping too❗️ All babies were born safely♥